(too small to really read, below, for full size click the link ^ and then click on the image there to enlarge)

The GMO fight is so frustrating. I just want actual *food* for my kids. I just want people to stop pouring poison on plants, earth, and animals. I want farmworkers' children to not suffer the exposure effects of pesticides. I want to know that we will stop loading toxins into the oceans, that maybe someday the few sea animals (and plants) who escaped our dragnets can recover their ecosystems from our factory-food mindset -- that we haven't poured so much non-bioddegradable poison into the water that the remaining individuals will be too sick to repopulate.
Increasing the toxicity of our production methods makes no sense in any situation at this point -- but for *food*?!? Wow, you have to be soooo wrapped up in the industrial/profit mindset to *not* see how ridiculous that "goal" is ... !
How does "Wow, great! This gene switch allows you to use Roundup with impunity!" not trigger a "hey ... wait ... what now?" response?
Kudos to the Washington State Attorney General for exposing the money laundering.
Frankly, kudos also to the GMA for realizing they had made an unrecoverable error and simply 'fessing up. In some ways, this is maybe better, in terms of political fallout, because this made these funders a "newsworthy story" instead of just 'annoying trivia.'
I hope the lawyers, pencil pushers, janitors, and scientists working for the profit-suckers all take a step back and realize how unsustainable their relationship (social and material) to the world is as long as they are supporting Dow, Monsanto, Bayer, etc ... . The brain trust in these corporations is huge. Why, people, why?
These are some of the same companies that produced chemical weapons in the 1960s/70s, sucking up taxpayer money to create pain and destruction for profit (most famously, Agent Orange -- officially a "defoliator," meant to remove the leaves from the jungle so Americans could see enemy troops) ... these same companies are now producing GMOs to justify use of their chemicals (new and old), and again they are being shielded and abetted by the federal government in profitting from selfishness and destruction.
Because of this preposterous and disgusting historical parallel, I am thinking about painting my van with this historically referential slogan:
but I can't quite decide if I want to be 'swearing' (and aggressive) so incontrovertibly ... G.M.O.'s!
... At least in Portland I really have no any fear that some freaky GMO proponent will roadrage me or scare my kids because I'm referencing a hippie slogan and protesting Important American Institutions like the 1%, profits-uber-alles, "Better Living Through Science," and that unbesmirchable absolute in a world that doesn't really like absolutes anymore, "progress" : P.
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